Potential debris flow of the Tuva River in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province

  • Alfin Khoir Marpaung Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jalan Pattimura 20, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Eka Oktarianto Nugroho Master Program in Water Resources Management, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Agus Santoso Directorate of Technical Development Directorate General of Water Resources Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: debris, Hec-Ras, non-newtonian flow


Flash floods/debris floods that occur in the Tuva River of Sigi Regency are streams of water mixed with various materials such as wood, rocks, mud, and others that have a very fast flow speed. Flash floods submerged the residential area of the community with a water presence of 3 m which had claimed the lives of 2 people. Flash floods occur after catastrophic earthquakes and soil liquefaction. Where the topographic conditions around the Tuva River are very steep and the characteristics of the river widens upstream and narrows downstream, there is the potential for avalanches of liquefaction of mountain ridge land that enters the river which forms a natural weir in the Tuva River. The modeling conducted in this research utilized a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) map with a resolution of 5-10 meters using Hec-RAS software. The modeling focused on the dam break of a natural dam, resulting in a debris flow volume of 104.663 m3/s. With the non-Newtonian flow model, the study determined a flooded area of 58.978 hectares or 0.589 square kilometers with a maximum flow velocity of 2645.33 m/s. This has the potential to erode the riverbed and supply sediment transport to the Miu River.


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How to Cite
Marpaung, A. K., Nugroho, E. O., & Santoso, A. (2023). Potential debris flow of the Tuva River in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. ITB Graduate School Conference, 3(1), 352-368. Retrieved from https://gcs.itb.ac.id/proceeding-igsc/index.php/igsc/article/view/156