Relationship Between Safe Discharge and Groundwater Zoning in Production Wells at PT Monokem Surya Rengasdengklok District, Karawang Regency West Java Province

  • Danang Inayat Puspawardhana Groundwater Engineering Master Program, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
  • Agus Mochamad Ramdhan Applied Geology Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Keywords: aquifer parameter, confined aquifer, drawdown, optimum discharge, pumping test


PT Monokem Surya utilizes water to process zircon ore which is entirely sourced from groundwater with a minimum requirement of 550 m3/day. The source of groundwater comes from 7 drilled wells, all of which extracted a water from the confined aquifer layer. A study is needed to determine the potential of groundwater and aquifer parameters from wells with a pumping test. After discovering the aquifer parameters and optimum discharge, simultaneous pumping simulations were carried out for all wells and resulted in drawdowns that were generally not classified as safe criteria. Furthermore, a trial and error re-simulation is carried out by changing the discharge and pumping duration to make drawdown that fall within the safe criteria with a well efficiency limit of not less than 70%. The simulation resulted in drawdown classified as safe criteria (<40%) and the amount of groundwater produced was 513.68 m3/day. These results do not meet the minimum water needs, so other water sources are needed to cover these needs. Based on the values of several aquifer parameters, the groundwater potential at the research location can be classified into the moderate class


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How to Cite
Puspawardhana, D. I., & Ramdhan, A. M. (2023). Relationship Between Safe Discharge and Groundwater Zoning in Production Wells at PT Monokem Surya Rengasdengklok District, Karawang Regency West Java Province. ITB Graduate School Conference, 3(1), 282-293. Retrieved from