Effect of Water Level Elevation in Madiun River on Flooding in Jeroan River

  • Rif'atul Ummah Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jalan Pattimura 20, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Arno Adi Kuntoro Water Resources Management, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ITB, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Hendrianto Alamsyah Water Resources Management, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ITB, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: jeroan river, flood, backwater madiun river, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS


Jeroan River is one of sub-basin of Madiun River which located in Madiun Regency. Every year, the area around the Jeroan river experiences flooding caused by heavy rainfall, influence of full bank capacity, changes in land use and the presence of backwater from Madiun River. The study examines one of the causes of flooding, namely backwater from Madiun River. The effect of the Madiun River water level elevation on the flooded area that occurred around Jeroan River was analyzed by using the hydrological and hydraulics approach of the HEC-HMS 6.1 and HEC-RAS 4.1 programs. The area of Jeroan basin is ± 620 km2 with a length of ± 36 km of the main river. The Jeroan basin modeling is divided into 5 sub-basins, namely Upstream Jeroan sub-basin, Mejayan sub-basin, Klitik sub-basin, Piring-Sono sub-basin and Muneng sub-basin. The modeling uses unsteady flow modeling, with the upstream boundary is the return period discharge of each sub-basin and the downstream boundary is the highest water level and the average water level in the Madiun River. The results of the study show that the highest water level in the Madiun River causes a rise in the water level in the Jeroan River in the conditions of Q2, Q5, Q10 and Q25. The rise in the river water level ranges from 0.3-1.6 meters on the cross section with the worst conditions. Length of affected by backwater (until change in elevation of 5 cm) in various discharge around 15 km. Meanwhile, the average water level of Madiun River does not affect the flooding of Jeroan River.


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How to Cite
Ummah, R., Kuntoro, A. A., & Alamsyah, H. (2023). Effect of Water Level Elevation in Madiun River on Flooding in Jeroan River. ITB Graduate School Conference, 2(2), 315-328. Retrieved from https://gcs.itb.ac.id/proceeding-igsc/index.php/igsc/article/view/122