Development of Application Design to Support Mathematics Learning in the Subject of Three-Dimensional Geometry for Class XII High School Students

  • Nidya Putri Magister Desain, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesa No.10, Kota Bandung, 40132 (022) 2500935
  • Banung Grahita Magister Desain, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesa No.10, Kota Bandung, 40132 (022) 2500935
Keywords: application, user experience, user interface, three-dimensional geometry, high school students


This study discusses the design of applications as a medium to help students solve three-dimensional geometry problems. Three-dimensional geometry is one of the abstract mathematics subjects. Students need good spatial abilities to understand and solve three-dimensional geometric problems well. However, in reality, many students find it difficult due to their lack of spatial abilities. This problem can happen because students work on a three-dimensional shape in a two-dimensional plane that they cannot interact with and explore. Therefore, an application will be designed through this research to overcome these two problems. This study uses a five-element user experience framework to find and understand the actual problems experienced by students and continue each stage of user-oriented design. This study's results expect to help students better understand and solve three-dimensional geometric problems.


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How to Cite
Putri, N., & Grahita, B. (2023). Development of Application Design to Support Mathematics Learning in the Subject of Three-Dimensional Geometry for Class XII High School Students. ITB Graduate School Conference, 2(2), 271-287. Retrieved from