Branding Identity in Brochure as Media Branding of Destination On Purwakarta Tourism

  • Intan Kusuma Ayu Master of Design Postgraduate Student, FSRD ITB
  • Agung Eko Budiwaspada Visual Communication & Multimedia Research Group, FSRD ITB
Keywords: identity, tourism, visual branding, Purwakarta Regency


Tourism is one of the main sectors being one of Indonesia's pride to develop the economic sector. It motivates local governments to take part in developing the tourism sector by developing their regional resources. Purwakarta tries to show its charm and identity to increase the interest of visitors to visit Purwakarta through branding by developing branding identity through communication media to achieve community significance in Purwakarta. This study aims to identify the use of branding identity in branding media through a trifold brochure using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis by identifying the texts that are applied in branding discourse, production of media consumption, and the linkage on the spread of the text through the social culture. Data analysis was obtained through an interview process with the Tourism Office of Purwakarta and an interpretation process. Based on the results of the study, the identification of identity in the application branding media correlates with the spread of the text through the element of branding identity with the socio-cultural dimensions of Purwakarta. The results of the study aim to provide insight and reference for the Purwakarta Tourism Office as a reference in building potential in the tourism sector and the creative economy.


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How to Cite
Ayu, I. K., & Budiwaspada, A. E. (2023). Branding Identity in Brochure as Media Branding of Destination On Purwakarta Tourism. ITB Graduate School Conference, 2(2), 209-221. Retrieved from